
Venerdì 22 aprile, Giornata Mondiale della Terra

Attivisti di tutto il mondo si manifestano per sviluppare ulteriore consapevolezza sulla cura dell’ambiente e il consumo responsabile

Environmental activists wearing outfits made from plastic waste participate in a campaign to mark Earth Day against climate change in Seoul, South Korea, Friday, April 22, 2022. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)
An environmental activist wearing a plastic bag lies down on the ground during a campaign to mark Earth Day against climate change in Seoul, South Korea, Friday, April 22, 2022. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)
Environmental activists, some wearing outfits made from plastic waste, lie down on the ground during a campaign to mark Earth Day against climate change in Seoul, South Korea, Friday, April 22, 2022. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)
A woman wearing a mask past by Chinese artist Kong Ning with her latest work
A helper assist Chinese artist Kong Ning with her latest work
A man wearing a mask helps a man in a wheel chair past by Chinese artist Kong Ning with her latest work
A protestor holds a sign as she demonstrates on Earth Day in front of the German embassy in Brussels, Friday, April 22, 2022. Protestors demonstrated on Friday calling on governments to end fossil fuel projects involving Russian companies. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
A protestor is splashed in red paint and lies on the pavement as she demonstrates on Earth Day in front of the German embassy in Brussels, Friday, April 22, 2022. Protestors demonstrated on Friday calling on governments to end fossil fuel projects involving Russian companies. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
A protestor has red paint and rope on her hands while being covered by an EU flag as she demonstrates on Earth Day in front of the German embassy in Brussels, Friday, April 22, 2022. Protestors demonstrated on Friday calling on governments to end fossil fuel projects involving Russian companies. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
On Earth Day demonstrators from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) barbecue a model Earth, with the
On Earth Day a demonstrator from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) barbecues a model Earth, with the
On Earth Day a demonstrator from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) barbecues a model Earth, with the

Durante la celebrazione della 52a Giornata Mondiale della Terra si svolgono iniziative in tutto il pianeta al fine di sensibilizzare sulla cura del Creato e condividere delle buone pratiche per ridurre la contaminazione, il consumo eccessivo e l’impronta umana sulla Casa comune.

Tra i diversi appuntamenti si è tenuto l’evento live di Stop Global Warming.Eu a Roma e diverse manifestazioni, come quella degli attivisti di Fridays For Future Milano a Palazzo Marino, con lo slogan “È la giornata della Terra e ci state giocando a Risiko”; la manifestazione di PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) a Londra per promuovere l’abbandono del consumo di carne, uova e latticini per la salute del pianeta e degli animali; la protesta  a Bruxelles davanti all’ambasciata tedesca per chiedere di fermare il consumo di combustibili fossili che coinvolgano le società russe; la campagna avviata dagli ambientalisti per fermare l’utilizzo di plastica a Seoul, in Corea del Sud; o la mostra umana dell’artista cinese Kong Ning a Pechino intitolata “Protect Earth with Banana Leaf Umbrellas” (Proteggi la Terra con gli ombrelli a foglia di banano).

Foto AP/Virginia Mayo; Ng Han Guan; Ahn Young-joon; Kirsty Wigglesworth; LaPresse/Alfredo Falcone

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