
Le tribù dell’Amazzonia chiedono aiuto

Fino al 14 aprile si tiene la più grande mobilitazione dei popoli indigeni dell'Amazzonia

Indigenous women attend a ceremony called the Meeting of the First Peoples, at the 18th annual Free Land Indigenous Camp in Brasilia, Brazil, Friday, April 8, 2022. The 10-day event aims to show the unity of Brazil's Indigenous peoples in their fight for the demarcation of their lands and their rights. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
Indigenous women are illuminated by stage lighting as they listen to speakers during a ceremony called the Meeting of the First Peoples during the 18th annual Free Land Indigenous Camp in Brasilia, Brazil, Friday, April 8, 2022. The 10-day event aims to show the unity of Brazil's Indigenous peoples in their fight for the demarcation of their lands and their rights. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
A Tapuia Indigenous man wearing traditional clothing adorned with an embalmed animal stands on the sidelines of a ceremony called The Meeting of the First Peoples, lead by women attending the 18th annual Free Land Indigenous Camp in Brasilia, Brazil, Friday, April 8, 2022. The 10-day event aims to show the unity of Brazil's Indigenous peoples in their fight for the demarcation of their lands and their rights. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
A Tembe Indigenous woman attends a ceremony called the Meeting of the First Peoples at the 18th annual Free Land Indigenous Camp in Brasilia, Brazil, Friday, April 8, 2022. The 10-day event aims to show the unity of Brazil's Indigenous peoples in their fight for the demarcation of their lands and their rights. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
A Pataxo Indigenous couple and their child attend a ceremony called the Meeting of the First Peoples at the 18th annual Free Land Indigenous Camp in Brasilia, Brazil, Friday, April 8, 2022. The 10-day event aims to show the unity of Brazil's Indigenous peoples in their fight for the demarcation of their lands and their rights. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
Xikrin Indigenous women attend a ceremony called the Meeting of the First Peoples at the 18th annual Free Land Indigenous Camp in Brasilia, Brazil, Friday, April 8, 2022. The 10-day event aims to show the unity of Brazil's Indigenous peoples in their fight for the demarcation of their lands and their rights. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
A Pataxo Indigenous woman and her daughter attend a ceremony called the Meeting of the First Peoples at the 18th annual Free Land Indigenous Camp in Brasilia, Brazil, Friday, April 8, 2022. The 10-day event aims to show the unity of Brazil's Indigenous peoples in their fight for the demarcation of their lands and their rights. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
A Pataxo Indigenous woman attends a ceremony called the Meeting of the First Peoples at the 18th annual Free Land Indigenous Camp in Brasilia, Brazil, Friday, April 8, 2022. The 10-day event aims to show the unity of Brazil's Indigenous peoples in their fight for the demarcation of their lands and their rights. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)

A Brasilila, fino al 14 aprile, si ritrovano come ogni anno rappresentanti di molte tribù indigene che popolano l’Amazzonia per l’Acampamento Terra Livre. Giorni di grande mobilitazione per chiedere diritti che vengono sempre più ridotti e negati. La politica di Bolsonaro infatti ha liberalizzato senza freni la strage dei nativi a causa della terra usurpata per la costruzione di strade, allevamenti e dighe. Anche l’Onu (il 13 settembre 2007) ha approvato la Dichiarazione sui Diritti dei popoli indigeni, ma semplicemente non viene rispettata dato che la tutela dei nativi è considerata una questione secondaria rispetto ad altre emergenze. Anche la Costituzione brasiliana obbliga il governo a demarcare tutti i territori indigeni, ma concretamente si sta incoraggiando la loro invasione illegale, sfruttando la guerra in Europa per distogliere anche quei pochi riflettori che puntavano l’attenzione su questo tipo di crimini. (foto AP)

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