
Proteste contro la violenza sulle donne

La violenza di genere è una problematica sociale grave in Romania. Nella prima metà del 2022 la polizia è intervenuta in oltre 40 mila casi di violenza perpetrata tra le mura di casa

Participants cry while listening to a speech by a victim of domestic violence during a protest aiming to raise awareness to the violence and prejudice against women in Romanian society in Bucharest, Romania, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. Participants called for better support and protection for the victims of violence and the implementation of a national strategy to ensure gender equality and combat domestic violence. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru)
People attend a protest aiming to raise awareness to the violence and prejudice against women in Romanian society in Bucharest, Romania, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. Participants called for better support and protection for the victims of violence and the implementation of a national strategy to ensure gender equality and combat domestic violence. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru)
People take part in a protest aiming to raise awareness to the violence and prejudice against women in Romanian society in Bucharest, Romania, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. Participants called for better support and protection for the victims of violence and the implementation of a national strategy to ensure gender equality and combat domestic violence. Banner reads:
A woman with the word
Participants march during a protest aiming to raise awareness to the violence and prejudice against women in Romanian society in Bucharest, Romania, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. Participants called for better support and protection for the victims of violence and the implementation of a national strategy to ensure gender equality and combat domestic violence. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru)
An elderly woman walks during a protest aiming to raise awareness to the violence and prejudice against women in Romanian society in Bucharest, Romania, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. Participants called for better support and protection for the victims of violence and the implementation of a national strategy to ensure gender equality and combat domestic violence. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru)
People march during a protest aiming to raise awareness to the violence and prejudice against women in Romanian society in Bucharest, Romania, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. Participants called for better support and protection for the victims of violence and the implementation of a national strategy to ensure gender equality and combat domestic violence. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru)
Participants cry while listening to a speech by a victim of domestic violence during a protest aiming to raise awareness to the violence and prejudice against women in Romanian society in Bucharest, Romania, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. Participants called for better support and protection for the victims of violence and the implementation of a national strategy to ensure gender equality and combat domestic violence. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru)
A dog carries a banner during a protest march aiming to raise awareness to the violence and prejudice against women in Romanian society in Bucharest, Romania, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. Participants called for better support and protection for the victims of violence and the implementation of a national strategy to ensuring gender equality and combat domestic violence. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità indica che «la violenza contro le donne, in particolare quella esercitata dal partner, e la violenza sessuale, costituisce un grave problema di salute pubblica e una violazione dei diritti umani delle donne». Secondo i dati raccolti dall’organizzazione, questo tipo di violenza colpisce il 30% delle donne in tutto il mondo.

Recentemente in Romania le Ong hanno organizzato una marcia nazionale intitolata “Insieme per la sicurezza delle donne” per rivendicare il fine della violenza maschilista, e per sollecitare le istituzioni a fornire assistenza sociale e protezione reale alle vittime. Inoltre, con le proteste è stato lanciato un appello al governo affinché vengano stanziati fondi pubblici per programmi di istruzione, formazione e sensibilizzazione in materia, e perché quanto promesso garantisca la tutela delle donne. Infatti, la Strategia nazionale sulla promozione delle pari opportunità tra donne e uomini e sulla prevenzione e la lotta alla violenza domestica che era stata messa in consultazione pubblica il 9 marzo 2021 non è stata ancora approvata.

Le manifestazioni volte a sensibilizzare sulla problematica e a chiedere la fine dei pregiudizi e della sottostima dei rischi nei confronti delle donne che subiscono violenza si sono svolte a Bucarest, Cluj, Brasov, Timisoara, Sibiu, Iasi, Giurgiu, Mizil e Valea Seacă.

Foto: AP/Andreea Alexandru; Vadim Ghirda

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