
Il grido dell’Africa

Continua l'emergenza al confine tra Libia e Tunisia, dove un numero imprecisato di persone è bloccato senza acqua né ripari. E alcune di queste hanno messo in atto una vera e propria protesta

Libyan policeman gives water to African migrants on the Libyan border with Tunisia on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2023. The Tunisian security forces reportedly expelled hundreds of migrants over the border into Libya, where they have been stranded in scorching summer temperatures without water and food since June. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
African migrants stand on the Libyan border with Tunisia on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2023. The Tunisian security forces reportedly expelled hundreds of migrants over the border into Libya, where they have been stranded in scorching summer temperatures without water and food since June. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
African migrants rest on the Libyan border with Tunisia on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2023. The Tunisian security forces reportedly expelled hundreds of migrants over the border into Libya, where they have been stranded in scorching summer temperatures without water and food since June. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
African migrants stand on the Libyan border with Tunisia on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2023. The Tunisian security forces reportedly expelled hundreds of migrants over the border into Libya, where they have been stranded in scorching summer temperatures without water and food since June. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
African migrants protest on the Libyan border with Tunisia on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2023. The Tunisian security forces reportedly expelled hundreds of migrants over the border into Libya, where they have been stranded in scorching summer temperatures without water and food since June. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
African migrants protest on the Libyan border with Tunisia on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2023. The Tunisian security forces reportedly expelled hundreds of migrants over the border into Libya, where they have been stranded in scorching summer temperatures without water and food since June. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
African migrants protest on the Libyan border with Tunisia on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2023. The Tunisian security forces reportedly expelled hundreds of migrants over the border into Libya, where they have been stranded in scorching summer temperatures without water and food since June. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
African migrants protest on the Libyan border with Tunisia on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2023. The Tunisian security forces reportedly expelled hundreds of migrants over the border into Libya, where they have been stranded in scorching summer temperatures without water and food since June. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain

Spentisi i riflettori mediatici sul caso della madre morta di sete e stenti con la figlia di cinque anni al confine tra Libia e Tunisia, non si è però spenta la situazione emergenziale: un numero imprecisato (nella misura in cui non è mai stato effettuato un censimento propriamente detto) di persone si trova infatti ancora nella zona, dove le autorità tunisine avrebbero fatto letteralmente abbandonare senza acqua né ripari centinaia (forse migliaia) di migranti subsahariani senza acqua né ripari. Solo la polizia libica, almeno stando alle foto, avrebbe distribuito bottiglie d’acqua. Stretti tra le forze di sicurezza tunisine da un lato e quelle libiche dall’altro, alcune di queste persone hanno messo in scena una vera e propria disperata protesta, confidando che grazie alle foto dei reporter questa potesse arrivare agli occhi del mondo. Tra di loro anche diverse donne e bambini. “siamo uomini, non animali”, si legge in uno dei cartelli; in un altro “Balck lives matter”, facendo riferimento al noto movimento americano contro la violenza sugli afroamericani da parte della polizia. In questi giorni d’estate, non dimentichiamoci del grido che sale d’all’Africa. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)

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