
La Germania rinforza i controlli al confine orientale

Da Berlino si pensa ad istituire controlli fissi per bloccare l’arrivo dei migranti in Europa

German federal police officers gesture towards a train driver near a border crossing point between Germany and Czech Republic at the station in Furth am Wald, Germany, Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)
German federal police officers board a train near a border crossing point between Germany and Czech Republic at the station in Furth am Wald, Germany, Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023. The police officers check the travelers' IDs. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)
German federal police officers check a car at a border crossing point between Germany and Czech Republic in Furth am Wald, Germany, Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)
FILE - Migrants wait at a police car after they illegally crossed the border from Poland into Germany and tracked down from a Federal Police patrol in a forest near Forst southeast of Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Germany on Monday, Oct.16, 2023 notified the European Union's executive branch of border controls at its frontiers with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, going a step beyond a move last month to strengthen checks on its eastern border. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber, File)
FILE - Police officer Frank Malack escorts a group of migrants who illegally crossed the border from Poland into Germany during a patrol in a forest near Forst southeast of Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Germany on Monday, Oct. 16, 2023 notified the European Union's executive branch of border controls at its frontiers with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, going a step beyond a move last month to strengthen checks on its eastern border. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber, File)

La Germania è decisa a controllare le frontiere nazionali davanti all’escalation di violenza in Medio Oriente e il bisogno di migliaia di persone di fuggire dal loro luogo di origine. Così, lunedì 16 ottobre 2023 il Paese ha dato un passo in più rispetto alle mosse del mese scorso, notificando al ramo esecutivo dell’Unione europea dei controlli alle frontiere con Polonia, Repubblica Ceca e Svizzera. 

Nel caso in cui alcuni Paesi decidano di far passare più migranti verso la Germania, il territorio tedesco si prepara a stabilire dei controlli di frontiera fissi nei citati Paesi come misura preventiva, secondo quanto riferito dalla testata Die Welt. Al momento, dal Partito Socialdemocratico di Germania (Spd) affermano che le misure alle frontiere restano ancora invariate, mentre i rispettivi ministri dell’Interno si incontrano per discutere di ulteriori dettagli. 

 (Foto AP/Matthias Schrader; Markus Schreiber, archivio)

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