Emergenza sanitaria

Covid, casi in continuo aumento

L'aumento vertiginoso dei casi, con un tasso del 28,4%, preoccupa gli esperti.

Residents line up to get their throat swab at a coronavirus testing site, Tuesday, April 5, 2022, in Beijing. China has sent more than 10,000 health workers from across the country to Shanghai, including 2,000 military medical staff, as it struggles to stamp out a rapidly spreading COVID-19 outbreak in China's largest city. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
Foto Cecilia Fabiano/ LaPresse 
12 Gennaio 2022  Roma (Italia)
Cronaca : 
Le terapie intensive tornano a riempirsi prevalentemente di pazienti non vaccinati  
Nella Foto : infermieri e medici al lavoro nella terapia intensiva del Covid 3 Casal Palocco 

Photo Cecilia Fabiano/ LaPresse
January , 12 2022  Rome (Italy) 
News : 
Intensive care is returning to suffer for the large number of hospitalized because of the Covid -19  mainly with unvaccinated patients
In The Pic : doctors and nurses working in the intensive care of the Covid 3 Hospital of Casal Palocco
Phase 3 Novavax coronavirus vaccine trial vaccine volunteer Franklyn Howe is given an injection at St George's University hospital at in London, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020. Novavax Inc. said Thursday Jan. 28, 2021 that its COVID-19 vaccine appears 89% effective based on early findings from a British study and that it also seems to work — though not as well — against new mutated strains of the virus circulating in that country and South Africa. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)
A vial of the Phase 3 Novavax coronavirus vaccine is seen ready for use in the trial at St. George's University hospital in London Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020. Novavax Inc. said Thursday Jan. 28, 2021 that its COVID-19 vaccine appears 89% effective based on early findings from a British study and that it also seems to work — though not as well — against new mutated strains of the virus circulating in that country and South Africa. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)
Foto Cecilia Fabiano/ LaPresse
 (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

Più di 107 mila positivi e 94 morti. I dati ufficiali del Covid in Italia continuano ad aumentare, ma sarebbero solo una piccola parte dei casi reali. Ormai, ogni tracciamento è sfuggito di mano. Gli assembramenti si susseguono, le misure di sicurezza, a partire dalle mascherine, sono sempre di meno, e la pandemia sembra recuperare terreno proprio quando, con le alte – anzi, altissime  temperature – si sperava che invece finisse. Il tasso di positività è al 28,4% e i posti occupati in ospedale, nei reparti ordinari e nelle terapie intensive, sono in aumento. Bisogna fare dunque molta attenzione, soprattutto per tutelare i più fragili e gli anziani.

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