
Cotone a rischio a causa della crisi ambientale

Le conseguenze del cambiamento climatico danneggiano le coltivazioni di cotone

Farmer Barry Evans examines the soil at a cotton crop he shredded and planted over with wheat, Monday, Oct. 3, 2022, in Kress, Texas. Extreme heat and a dearth of rainfall have severely damaged much of this year's cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces about 35% of the world's crop. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Farmer Barry Evans looks over a cotton crop he shredded and planted over with wheat, Monday, Oct. 3, 2022, in Kress, Texas. Evans, like many other cotton growers, has walked away from more than 2,000 acres of his bone-dry fields. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
A farmer works on his cotton field, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, near Cotton Center, Texas. Drought and extreme heat have severely damaged much of the cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces roughly 35% of the world's crop. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Cotton struggles in a field near an off irrigation system, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, near Plainview, Texas. Drought and extreme heat have severely damaged much of the cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces roughly 35% of the world's crop. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Low yielding cotton plants grow at sunset, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, near Cotton Center, Texas. Drought and extreme heat have severely damaged much of the cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces roughly 35% of the world's crop. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
An unopened cotton boll struggles in a field near Plainvew, Texas, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022. Drought and extreme heat have severely damaged much of the cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces roughly 35% of the world's crop. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Dust flies as a farmer plows over a failed cotton field, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, in Halfway, Texas. Drought and extreme heat have severely damaged much of the cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces roughly 35% of the world's crop. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Todd Straley, who manages the cotton gins at Quarterly Cotton Growers, walks past idle machines, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, near Plainview, Texas. Straley expects to process a fraction of the cotton he normally sees. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
A shredded cotton field sits idle, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, near Plainview, Texas. Extreme heat and a dearth of rainfall have severely damaged much of this year's cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces about 35% of the world's crop. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Cotton that did not survive is shown on the farm of Barry Evans on Monday, Oct. 3, 2022, in Kress, Texas. Evans, like many other cotton growers, has walked away from more than 2,000 acres of his bone-dry fields. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
A dust devil blows across a shredded cotton field, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, near Halfway, Texas. Extreme heat and a dearth of rainfall have severely damaged much of this year's cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces about 35% of the world's crop. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Cotton bolls sit on the ground after a field was plowed over, Monday, Oct. 3, 2022, near Kress, Texas. Extreme heat and a dearth of rainfall have severely damaged much of this year's cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces about 35% of the world's crop. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Farmer Barry Evans walks through a struggling cotton crop, Monday, Oct. 3, 2022, in Kress, Texas. Evans, like many other cotton growers, has walked away from more than 2,000 acres of his bone-dry fields. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Temperature estreme, alluvioni, scarsità di precipitazioni, inondazioni… sono alcuni degli effetti che si ripetono ogni volta con più forza nelle diverse latitudini del pianeta Terra. Alla base di questi fenomeni ci sono i cambiamenti climatici e l’aumento delle temperature, conseguenza dello stile di vita e del consumo sproporzionato degli esseri umani.

Le conseguenze si percepiscono, sempre più gravose per la qualità e la sopravvivenza della vita sulla Terra. A soffrirne sono specialmente gli agricoltori e quanti vivono direttamente dei frutti prodotti nella campagna. Ne sono testimoni i lavoratori di Quarterly Cotton Growers, vicino a Plainview in Texas, che hanno sottolineato come il caldo estremo e la scarsità di precipitazioni abbiano gravemente danneggiato gran parte del raccolto di cotone di quest’anno negli Stati Uniti, dove si produce il 35% del raccolto mondiale.

Foto: AP/Eric Gay

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