A Values-based Citizens’ Europe

In a complex and rapidly changing global order continuous political courage, inspiration and citizencentric practices are needed to shape and strengthen the values that are connected with the EU. We clearly affirm the value premises of the EU as a community responsible for security and stability and for guaranteeing the welfare and well-being of its citizens. The paper is structured in three parts: The first part focusses on the importance of citizens’ participation and citizens’dialogue in the future developments of the EU. Growing complexity and interconnection between and within societies have become intrinsic characteristics of European societies, impacting the dialogue of institutions with citizens. In a second part we deal with participatory democracy and civil dialogue as legally embedded concepts in the Lisbon Treaty. This implies an analysis and assessment of the phased development of EU practices in participatory democracy and civil dialogue. The last part concerns the instruments and practices of participatory governance that the EU has developed to respond to the citizens’ demands for a more values-based community.

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