
Fuga di cervelli da Hong Kong

Dopo la repressioni molte persone competenti hanno lasciato la città

A video screen shows Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee as he delivers his policy address at the chamber of the Legislative Council in Hong Kong, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. Hong Kong's leader on Wednesday unveiled a new visa scheme to woo global talent, as the city seeks to stem a brain drain that has risked its status as an international financial center. (AP Photo/Vernon Yuen)
Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee holds up his policy address during a press conference on his Policy Address at the Central Government Office in Hong Kong, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. Hong Kong's leader on Wednesday unveiled a new visa scheme to woo global talent, as the city seeks to stem a brain drain that has risked its status as an international financial center. (AP Photo/Vernon Yuen)
Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee holds up his policy address during a press conference on his Policy Address at the Central Government Office in Hong Kong, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. Hong Kong's leader on Wednesday unveiled a new visa scheme to woo global talent, as the city seeks to stem a brain drain that has risked its status as an international financial center. (AP Photo/Vernon Yuen)

Per molti anni Hong Kong è stata uno dei principali centri finanziari mondiali. Dopo le proteste per la mancanza di democrazia e le dure repressioni dei mesi scorsi, però, l’introduzione di leggi restrittive delle libertà ha provocato la fuga all’estero delle persone più competenti in molti settori strategici.

L’emorragia è diventata così preoccupante da mettere a rischio il suo status di centro finanziario internazionale, tanto che l’amministratore delegato di Hong Kong, John Lee, ha presentato in fretta e furia un nuovo sistema di visti per cercare di attirare dall’estero nuovi talenti globali. (AP Photo/Vernon Yuen)

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