L’inquinamento non conosce frontiere

epa05756144 Mongolian protesters carry black balloons and placards as they march to demand government action to stop heavy air pollution during a rally at the Sukhbaatar Square in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 28 January 2017. About 5,000 protesters participated in the rally to demand major action from the government to combat heavy air pollution plaguing the country's capital.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL
epa05712047 An aerial view of housing settlements shrouded in haze in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 12 January 2017. Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj said on 11 January 2017, that air pollution in Ulaanbaatar has reached disaster levels and the city is declared to be in a state of disaster where measures like evacuations are recommended for some areas, according to local media.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL
epa05712051 A view of housing settlements shrouded in haze in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 12 January 2017. Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj said on 11 January 2017, that air pollution in Ulaanbaatar has reached disaster levels and the city is declared to be in a state of disaster where measures like evacuations are recommended for some areas, according to local media.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL
epa05712044 Mongolians wearing masks walk along a road shrouded in haze in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 12 January 2017. Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj said on 11 January 2017, that air pollution in Ulaanbaatar has reached disaster levels and the city is declared to be in a state of disaster where measures like evacuations are recommended for some areas, according to local media.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL
epa05712042 A view of road traffic shrouded in haze in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 12 January 2017. Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj said on 11 January 2017, that air pollution in Ulaanbaatar has reached disaster levels and the city is declared to be in a state of disaster where measures like evacuations are recommended for some areas, according to local media.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL
epa05712048 A pedestrian crosses a road shrouded in haze in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 12 January 2017. Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj said on 11 January 2017, that air pollution in Ulaanbaatar has reached disaster levels and the city is declared to be in a state of disaster where measures like evacuations are recommended for some areas, according to local media.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL
epa05756143 Mongolian protesters hold placards and drawings as they march to demand government action to stop heavy air pollution during a rally at the Sukhbaatar Square in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 28 January 2017. About 5,000 protesters participated in the rally to demand major action from the government to combat heavy air pollution plaguing the country's capital.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL
epa05712049 A woman wearing a mask walks along a road shrouded in haze in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 12 January 2017. Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj said on 11 January 2017, that air pollution in Ulaanbaatar has reached disaster levels and the city is declared to be in a state of disaster where measures like evacuations are recommended for some areas, according to local media.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL
epa05712041 Mongolians wearing masks walk along a road shrouded in haze in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 12 January 2017. Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj said on 11 January 2017, that air pollution in Ulaanbaatar has reached disaster levels and the city is declared to be in a state of disaster where measures like evacuations are recommended for some areas, according to local media.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL
epa05756146 Mongolian protesters carry black balloons and placards as they march to demand government action to stop heavy air pollution during a rally at the Sukhbaatar Square in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 28 January 2017. About 5,000 protesters participated in the rally to demand major action from the government to combat heavy air pollution plaguing the country's capital.  EPA/DAVAANYAM DELGERJARGAL

Si pensa a quelle steppe gelate come luogo di aria gelida ma salubre. Einvece nella capitale della Mongolia la concentrazione delle particelle pm10 e pm2,5 per metro cubo nell’aria è superiore a venti volte i limiti stabiliti dall’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità.

Esiste un serio problema con il processo di industrializzazione in corso, si pensi alla capitale cinese e ai siti produttivi della fabbrica del mondo, ma a Ulan Bator il problema nasce dal riscaldamento privato da misure di gestione pubblica difettose. Alla fine le agenzie invano le immagini di un paesaggio inquinato e le proteste di una popolazione, prevalentemente povera e stremata da condizioni climatiche invivibili. Si possono alzare i muri ma le conseguenze delle scelte errate nella salvaguardia dei beni comuni travalicano le barriere e impongono una nuova responsabilità planetaria.

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