Note per una fenomenologia teologica   The article proposes a Trinitarian approach to the theological phenomenology of the anthropological experience, focusing upon the form in which the consciousness of Trinitarian Revelation was expressed and expresses itself in time, through anthropological practice. Two forms in particular are identified to this end: one that sees and experiences the effective presence of the Trinity in the soul of the individual person, transformed by grace and in whom the Trinity abides, in light of the Word of Jesus: “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him” (Jn 14:23). In the other form the effective presence of the Trinity is perceived and experienced in the relations of communion among persons, in light of the Word: “that all may be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me” (Jn 17:20- 21). Augustine of Hippo and John of the Cross are looked to as bearing witness to the first form of consciousness, while Chiara Lubich is studied for the second form. In light of the results obtained, attention is focused upon some of the anthropological conditions and dynamics required and promoted by the second form. The author then concludes with a series of questions about the meaning and the implications that can be derived for the mission of the Church today.
Nell’orizzonte di ricerca e in conformità alle note di metodo descritti nel precedente contributo, penso risulti ora pertinente offrire una sorta di fenomenologia teologica dell’esperienza antropologica in chiave trinitaria. Che cosa intendo con questa formulazione? intendo la messa a fuoco, nel suo stesso darsi, dell’esperienza umana della persona e della comunione nella luce dell’avvento di Dio Trinità in Gesù e nel suo Spirito. Una fenomenologia, dunque, della forma in cui la coscienza della Rivelazione trinitaria si è espressa e si esprime nel tempo attraverso la coscienza e la pratica antropologica. Non, dunque, un discorso teoretico in astratto, per principi, fossero essi pure dei principi teologici: ma un’analisi fenomenologica dell’esistenza condotta lungo i sentieri dischiusi, in concreto, dall’avvento di Dio Trinità nella storia – sempre in stretto rapporto, è ovvio, con l’espressione e l’intelligenza della verità trinitaria a livello dottrinale.

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