
Occhi puntati sullo spreco alimentare

Secondo l'osservatorio Waste Watcher International, ogni giorno buttiamo nella spazzatura 81g di cibo

epa10543675 Food insecure persons in the Miami -Dade area receive food from local volunteers who are working with Food Rescue US at Miami Peniel Church of the Nazarene in Miami, Florida, USA, 25 March 2023. Food Rescue US is an organization dedicated to eliminating hunger and food waste, keeping food out of landfills and reducing greenhouse gasses, engaging volunteers and food donors to directly transfer nutritious excess food to social service agencies serving the food insecure.  EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH
epa10543668 Food insecure persons in the Miami -Dade area receive food from local volunteers who are working with Food Rescue US at Miami Peniel Church of the Nazarene in Miami, Florida, USA, 25 March 2023. Food Rescue US is an organization dedicated to eliminating hunger and food waste, keeping food out of landfills and reducing greenhouse gasses, engaging volunteers and food donors to directly transfer nutritious excess food to social service agencies serving the food insecure.  EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH
epa10543669 Food insecure persons in the Miami -Dade area receive food from local volunteers who are working with Food Rescue US at Miami Peniel Church of the Nazarene in Miami, Florida, USA, 25 March 2023. Food Rescue US is an organization dedicated to eliminating hunger and food waste, keeping food out of landfills and reducing greenhouse gasses, engaging volunteers and food donors to directly transfer nutritious excess food to social service agencies serving the food insecure.  EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH
epa10543677 Local volunteers working with Food Rescue US deliver food to the food insecure in the Miami -Dade area, at Miami Peniel Church of the Nazarene in Miami, Florida, USA, 25 March 2023. Food Rescue US is an organization dedicated to eliminating hunger and food waste, keeping food out of landfills and reducing greenhouse gasses, engaging volunteers and food donors to directly transfer nutritious excess food to social service agencies serving the food insecure.  EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH
epa10543678 Jane Marie Russell, a local volunteer with Food Rescue US, collects food to feed the hungry in the Miami -Dade area at a Trader Joe's supermarket in Coral Gables, Florida, USA, 25 March 2023. Food Rescue US is an organization dedicated to eliminating hunger and food waste, keeping food out of landfills and reducing greenhouse gasses, engaging volunteers and food donors to directly transfer nutritious excess food to social service agencies serving the food insecure.  EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH
epa10543680 Local volunteers with Food Rescue US, collect food to feed the hungry in the Miami -Dade area at a Trader Joe's supermarket in Coral Gables, Florida, USA, 25 March 2023. Food Rescue US is an organization dedicated to eliminating hunger and food waste, keeping food out of landfills and reducing greenhouse gasses, engaging volunteers and food donors to directly transfer nutritious excess food to social service agencies serving the food insecure.  EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH

Quando si parla di spreco alimentare si additano spesso gli Stati Uniti (a cui si riferiscono infatti queste foto, che documentano un’iniziativa per il recupero di cibo invenduto che andrebbe gettato se non venisse consumato a breve, e la sua redistribuzione a persone in condizioni di fragilità economica e sociale); ma la realtà è che anche noi italiani non siamo esattamente nella posizione di fare la morale a nessuno.

Secondo i dati dell’osservatorio Waste Wather International/Spreco Zero appena diffusi, infatti, ogni giorno gettiamo in media 81 grammi di cibo nella spazzatura: e se possono sembrare pochi, non consola sapere che sono in aumento rispetto ai 75 dello scorso anno. Parliamo di un impatto economico stimato 13 milioni di euro annui a livello nazionale (includendo in questo caso anche gli sprechi nella filiera, circa la metà), con costi medi di 126 euro a persona e 290 euro a famiglia l’anno.

Nel dettaglio, si spreca di più nelle città e nei grandi Comuni (+ 8%) e meno nei piccoli centri, sprecano di più le famiglie senza figli (+ 3%) e molto di più i consumatori a basso potere d’acquisto (+ 17%): un dato, quest’ultimo, che mostra come anche le fragilità economiche e sociali incidano sul fatto di acquisdtare e gestire oculatamente il cibo. Si spreca di più a Sud (+ 4% rispetto alla media nazionale) e meno a Nord (- 6% rispetto alla media).

(Foto Ansa/EPA)

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