Emergenze sociali

Chi si ricorda dei detenuti?


The mother of an inmate cries outside the Tacumbu jail after prisoners rioted in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
An inmate walks on the roof of Tacumbu prison after they rioted and took control of the place in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
Inmates yell from broken windows at the St. Louis Justice Center, known as the city jail, on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021 in St. Louis, Mo.  Officials say inmates at the jail have set fires, broken out windows and thrown things from fourth-floor windows in the latest disturbance over conditions amid the coronavirus pandemic. A spokesman for Mayor Lyda Krewson says dozens of law enforcement officers are working to bring the situation under control.   (Robert Cohen/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP)
Inmates walk on the roof of Tacumbu prison after they rioted and took control of the place in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
A relative protests against the police as she pleads for the life of her husband, an inmate at the Tacumbu prison, after the inmates rioted and took control of the place in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
A pregnant woman, the relative of an inmate, throws rocks at the police outside Tacumbu prison after the inmates rioted and took control of the place in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
Relatives of inmates are sprayed with a firehose as they protest outside Tacumbu prison after the inmates rioted and took control of the place in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
Relatives of an inmate clash with a police officer outside Tacumbu prison after the inmates rioted and took control of the place in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
Inmates yell from broken windows at the St. Louis Justice Center, known as the city jail, on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021 in St. Louis, Mo.  Officials say inmates at the jail have set fires, broken out windows and thrown things from fourth-floor windows in the latest disturbance over conditions amid the coronavirus pandemic. A spokesman for Mayor Lyda Krewson says dozens of law enforcement officers are working to bring the situation under control.   (Robert Cohen/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP)
Police and firefighters carry a relative of an inmate after she collapsed outside Tacumbu prison, after the inmates rioted and took control of the place in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
Relatives of inmates are sprayed with a firehose as they protest outside Tacumbu prison after the inmates rioted and took control of the place in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)
Inmates throw bricks at the police from the roof of Tacumbu prison during a riot and after they took control of the place in Asuncion, Paraguay, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)

Le rivolte nelle carceri non sono una novità. Purtroppo si susseguono con triste regolarità in tutti i Paesi del mondo, testimoniando problemi di sopravvivenza e di dignità umana in questi ambienti spesso brutali. Problemi aggravati, nell’ultimo anno, dalle restrizioni provocate dalla pandemia. In questi giorni sono saliti alla ribalta della cronaca le rivolte nelle carceri di Tacumbu in Paraguay e di St. Louis in Usa. In parallelo alla esasperazione dei detenuti, il timore e la rabbia dei parenti all’esterno delle carceri. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)

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