Maria e il pres-ente. Per una esegesi trinitaria della Parola. Spunti ontologici sul greco neotestamentario della koinè



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Can silence say about Being? God spoke to the prophets; but Mary's unicum appears immanent to the fact, because it is the Act that determines its time, so as to be able to define a Via Trinitatis in Maria. She, 'Trinitarian Pause', participating in that present, lives as a Mother, like a silence that interrupts the Sound, generating the non-sound that becomes rhythm ('family life'): She is a 'pause' of/of sound, for the voice of God to burst forth from eternity in a suspended instant (μεταξὺ): between 'the eternal of Being' and 'the present of Being'. The Pres-Ent of/in Maria.

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