Contributi per un’Ontologia Trinitaria

Even if the NT is the full revelation of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, theology took some time before it found a conceptual model capable of giving an account of the interpersonal and relational constitution of the One God. Both the rigid monotheism of the Old Testament and the strongly unitarian imprint of Greek rationality threatened more communional ways of understanding God and the world in all its rich plurality. The substance paradigm of classical metaphysics and the modern subject were the most concrete expression of this unilaterally unitarian vision of reality. It is necessary today to develop an ontology capable of understanding God’s unity in God’s Trinity, because God is original plural communion in infinite original unity.  He is, in other words, the foundation of plurality as original donation that invites all human beings to actualize reception and self- donation at the heart of a humanity that has its principle and foundation in the infinite communion of love that is the trinitarian life.

Risulta fondamentale oggi una nuova comprensione del mondo e dell’uomo, che sia fedele alla sua origine e al proprio destino nel Dio uno e trino della nostra fede. Ciò richiede, in verità, una nuova ontologia[1] che permetta di raggiungere innanzitutto una comprensione della realtà, dell’Essere e di Dio stesso, evitando di ridurre l’Origine all’idea di un’unica sostanza o di un unico Soggetto iniziale; in altre parole, che possa mostrarlo come veramente è: Trinità, un’unica Origine di tutto in Se stessa plurale, una Comunione plurale originaria in perfetta unità originaria.

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