Alius in alio, quia non aliud in utroque. L’unità come cifra distintiva della teo-ontologia relazionale trinitaria



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Recensione di Unità. Metafisica, teologia, cosmologiaa cura di M. Marianelli ed E. Pili, (Dizionario Dinamico di Ontologia Trinitaria 3) Città Nuova, Roma 2022

The guiding principle that transpires from the three essays of Massimo Donà, Piero Coda and Carmelo Meazza starts from the divine unity, affirmed fundamentally in the language of relationship. The Trinity is the «One that is distinct» (K. Hemmerle). Such unitas Trinitatis constitutes the arx omnis unitatis. The economic gesture manifests this distinction and self-giving of the divine unity as agape that gives itself and “alienates” itself. It is precisely this self-alienation that enables the unity between Creator and creature.

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