Kumbh Mela, la più incredibile festa indiana

A naked Hindu holy man arrives for ritualistic dip on auspicious Makar Sankranti day during the Kumbh Mela, or pitcher festival in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh state, India, Tuesday, Jan.15, 2019. The Kumbh Mela is a series of ritual baths by Hindu holy men, and other pilgrims at the confluence of three sacred rivers — the Yamuna, the Ganges and the mythical Saraswati — that dates back to at least medieval times. The city’s Mughal-era name Allahabad was recently changed to Prayagraj. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh)
Members of Kinnar Akhara for transgenders take ritualistic dips on the auspicious Makar Sankranti day during the Kumbh Mela, or pitcher festival, in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh state, India, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019. The Kumbh Mela is a series of ritual baths by Hindu holy men, and other pilgrims at the confluence of three sacred rivers — the Yamuna, the Ganges and the mythical Saraswati — that dates back to at least medieval times. The city's Mughal-era name Allahabad was recently changed to Prayagraj. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh)
A Hindu devotees takes ritualistic dips at Sangam during Kumbh Mela or Pitcher festival at Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh state, India, Monday, Jan. 21, 2019. The Kumbh Mela is a series of ritual baths by Hindu holy men, and other pilgrims at Sangam, the confluence of three sacred rivers the Yamuna, the Ganges and the mythical Saraswati that dates back to at least medieval times. The city's Mughal-era name Allahabad was recently changed to Prayagraj. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh)
Uttar Pradesh government officials throw rose petals from a helicopter on devotees taking ritualist dips at Sangam, on the auspicious day of
Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Bollywood actress Hema Malini performs in a dance drama 'Ma Ganga' at Sangam, the confluence of rivers Ganges, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati, during the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, India, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019. The Kumbh Mela is a series of ritual baths by Hindu holy men, and other pilgrims at the confluence of three sacred rivers the Yamuna, the Ganges and the mythical Saraswati that dates back to at least medieval times. The city's Mughal-era name Allahabad was recently changed to Prayagraj. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh)
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh state Yogi Adityanath, front second left, takes a holy dip accompanied by saints and cabinet colleagues at the Sangam, the confluence of rivers Ganges and Yamuna, during the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, India, Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019. The Kumbh Mela is a series of ritual baths by Hindu holy men, and other pilgrims at the confluence of three sacred rivers the Yamuna, the Ganges and the mythical Saraswati that dates back to at least medieval times. The city's Mughal-era name Allahabad was recently changed to Prayagraj. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh)

Per l’occasione milioni di fedeli raggiungono Allahâbâd per immergersi nelle acque raccolte dai 3 fiumi Gange, Yamuna e il mitico sotterraneo Saraswati, fiumi sacri per gli hindu. Vi si immergono ricoperti di cenere e spesso con i dipinti sul corpo dei simboli delle divinità cui sono devoti, dimenticando ogni appartenenza alla casta, alla regione e allo status sociale, per rinascere in una forma più elevata. È una sorta di Giubileo hindu, dove per un mese circa ci si ritrova in una gigantesca tendopoli, danzando e confondendosi al ritmo di mantra ipnotici. (foto Ap)

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