
Gli studenti del Bangladesh in lotta contro la censura digitale


Bangladeshi students clash with police during a protest in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Monday, March 1, 2021. About 300 student activists rallied in Bangladesh’s capital on Monday to denounce the death in prison of Mushtaq Ahmed, a writer and commentator who was arrested last year on charges of violating a sweeping digital security law that critics say chokes freedom of expression. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hossain Opu)
Protesters shout slogans as they protest the death in prison of a writer who was arrested on charges of violating the sweeping digital security, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. Mushtaq Ahmed, 53, was arrested in Dhaka in May last year for making comments on social media that criticized the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He had been denied bail at least six times. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hossain Opu)
Demonstrators participate in a torch light vigil to protest the death in prison of a writer who was arrested on charges of violating the sweeping digital security, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. Mushtaq Ahmed, 53, was arrested in Dhaka in May last year for making comments on social media that criticized the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He had been denied bail at least six times. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hossain Opu)
Protesters offer Friday prayers during a demonstration against the death in prison of a writer who was arrested on charges of violating the sweeping digital security, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. Mushtaq Ahmed, 53, was arrested in Dhaka in May last year for making comments on social media that criticized the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He had been denied bail at least six times. The poster reads
Demonstrators clash with police as they protest the death in prison of a writer who was arrested on charges of violating the sweeping digital security laws, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. Mushtaq Ahmed, 53, was arrested in Dhaka in May last year for making comments on social media that criticized the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He had been denied bail at least six times. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hossain Opu)
Protesters offer Friday prayers as they protest the death in prison of a writer who was arrested on charges of violating the sweeping digital security, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. Mushtaq Ahmed, 53, was arrested in Dhaka in May last year for making comments on social media that criticized the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He had been denied bail at least six times. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hossain Opu)
A woman holds a placard to protest the death in prison of a writer who was arrested on charges of violating the sweeping digital security, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. Mushtaq Ahmed, 53, was arrested in Dhaka in May last year for making comments on social media that criticized the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He had been denied bail at least six times. Placrad reads
Police use tear gas shells on demonstrators protesting the death in prison of a writer who was arrested on charges of violating the sweeping digital security, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. Mushtaq Ahmed, 53, was arrested in Dhaka in May last year for making comments on social media that criticized the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He had been denied bail at least six times. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hossain Opu)
A boy joins adults during a demonstration against the death in prison of a writer who was arrested on charges of violating the sweeping digital security, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. Mushtaq Ahmed, 53, was arrested in Dhaka in May last year for making comments on social media that criticized the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He had been denied bail at least six times. The poster reads
Demonstrators clash with police as they protest the death in prison of a writer who was arrested on charges of violating the sweeping digital security, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. Mushtaq Ahmed, 53, was arrested in Dhaka in May last year for making comments on social media that criticized the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He had been denied bail at least six times. (AP Photo/Mahmud Hossain Opu)

Duri scontri con la polizia durante una protesta dei giovani a Dhaka. Circa 300 studenti si sono riuniti nella capitale del Bangladesh per denunciare la morte in prigione di Mushtaq Ahmed, scrittore e commentatore arrestato lo scorso anno con l’accusa di aver violato la legge sulla sicurezza digitale, che secondo i critici soffoca la libertà di espressione della popolazione. (Foto AP / Mahmud Hossain Opu)


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