
Fumio Kishida nuovo premier del Giappone

In serata l'inaugurazione ufficiale al Palazzo presidenziale, dove terrà una conferenza stampa.

Fumio Kishida bows after being elected as Japan's prime minister at the parliament's lower house Monday, Oct. 4, 2021, in Tokyo. Kishida was formally elected Monday as Japan's new prime minister in a parliamentary vote, replacing Yoshihide Suga. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
Fumio Kishida, second left, speaks with lawmakers after being elected as Japan's prime minister at the parliament's lower house Monday, Oct. 4, 2021, in Tokyo. Japan’s parliament on Monday elected Kishida as the new prime minister, who will be tasked with quickly tackling the pandemic and security challenges before an imminent national election. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
Japan's Prime Minister-elect Fumio Kishida, left, arrives at his official residence Monday, Oct. 4, 2021, in Tokyo. Kishida was elected Japan's prime minister in a parliamentary vote Monday and will be tasked with quickly tackling the pandemic and other domestic and global challenges and leading a national election within weeks. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
Japan's Prime Minister-elect Fumio Kishida arrives at his official residence Monday, Oct. 4, 2021, in Tokyo. Kishida was elected Japan's prime minister in a parliamentary vote Monday and will be tasked with quickly tackling the pandemic and other domestic and global challenges and leading a national election within weeks. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
(AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
Japan's Prime Minister-elect Fumio Kishida arrives at his official residence Monday, Oct. 4, 2021, in Tokyo. Kishida was elected Japan's prime minister in a parliamentary vote Monday and will be tasked with quickly tackling the pandemic and other domestic and global challenges and leading a national election within weeks. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

Fumio Kishida, leader del Partito liberal democratico del Giappone, è stato eletto primo ministro. Prende il posto di Yoshihide Suga. Kishida ha ottenuto la maggioranza dei voti in entrambre le camere. In serata l’inaugurazione ufficiale al Palazzo presidenziale, dove terrà una conferenza stampa. Il 31 ottobre terrà le elezioni generali.

A capo della diplomazia dal 2012 al 2017, il 29 settembre scorso Kishida ha vinto le elezioni primarie per la leadership dell’Ldp, il Partito liberaldemocratico, sostenuto dall’ala più conservatrice. Ha avuto la meglio sul popolare Taro Kono, il ministro per la vaccinazione contro il coronavirus. E ha già promesso di voler aumentare la ricchezza della classe media del Giappone e di introdurre un “nuovo capitalismo”.

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