Filippine, scontro sulla legge antiterrorismo

A man wearing protective mask holds a during a rally against the anti-terror law at the University of the Philippines in Manila, Philippines on Tuesday July 7, 2020. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte recently signed a widely opposed anti-terror law which critics fear could be used against human rights defenders and to muzzle dissent. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
Protesters raise their clenched fists as they lay on the streets during a rally against the anti-terror law at the University of the Philippines in Manila, Philippines on Tuesday July 7, 2020. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte recently signed a widely opposed anti-terror law which critics fear could be used against human rights defenders and to muzzle dissent. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
A man stands beside slogans during a rally against the anti-terror law at the University of the Philippines in Manila, Philippines on Tuesday July 7, 2020. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte recently signed a widely opposed anti-terror law which critics fear could be used against human rights defenders and to muzzle dissent. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
A woman stands beside slogans during a rally against the anti-terror law at the University of the Philippines in Manila, Philippines on Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte recently signed a widely opposed anti-terror law which critics fear could be used against human rights defenders and to muzzle dissent. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
A protester holds a slogan during a rally against the anti-terror law at the University of the Philippines in Manila, Philippines on Tuesday July 7, 2020. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte recently signed a widely opposed anti-terror law which critics fear could be used against human rights defenders and to muzzle dissent. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

Come riporta l’agenzia Fides secondo la rete “First Union” che riunisce organizzazioni e leader di comunità religiose, avvocati, rappresentanti sindacali, gruppi umanitari, Ong, associazioni «Le Filippine stanno affrontando la crisi del Covid-19 ma, nonostante l’urgenza della situazione, l’amministrazione del presidente Rodrigo Duterte è impegnata a consolidare il potere. Al momento non esiste un piano concreto per arrestare la diffusione del coronavirus, invece il presidente Duterte ha firmato la draconiana legge antiterrorismo».

La rete condanna l’emanazione della legge antiterrorismo, invitando i filippini in tutto il Paese e nel resto del mondo, a unirsi «per protestare contro questo tentativo di “dittatura introdotta dalla porta di sevizio” nelle Filippine».

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