A New York la Fiera del giocattolo

IMAGE DISTRIBUTED FOR MATTEL - Following the 50th anniversary celebration in 2018, Hot Wheels reveals a new collection of Monster Trucks vehicles and playsets at the New York Toy Fair, Friday, Feb. 15, 2019. (Diane Bondareff/AP Images for Mattel)
Mattel, in partnership with Warner Bros., introduces the newest Batman line to celebrate the 80th anniversary at the New York Toy Fair, Friday, Feb. 15, 2019. (Diane Bondareff/AP Images for Mattel)
Mattel celebrates Barbie's 60th Anniversary since the brand was introduced at New York Toy Fair in 1959. The iconic anniversary career and commemorative dolls pay homage to Barbie's six-decade history, shown at New York Toy Fair on Friday, Feb. 15, 2019. (Diane Bondareff/AP Images for Mattel)
IMAGE DISTRIBUETD FOR HASBRO-  A demonstrator at the Hasbro, Inc. showroom plays with the FURREAL CUBBY, THE CURIOUS BEAR PET, an interactive bear with more than 100 sound and motion combinations at the American International Toy Fair on Friday, Feb. 15, 2018 in New York. Hasbro's FURREAL brand brings magical connections to life with its family of companions, where there is a perfect pet for every child. (Charles Sykes/AP Images for Hasbro)
IMAGE DISTRIBUETD FOR HASBRO-  A demonstrator at the Hasbro, Inc. showroom feeds the BABY ALIVE HAPPY HUNGRY BABY Doll at the American International Toy Fair on Friday, Feb. 15, 2018 in New York. BABY ALIVE brand delivers realistic baby moments in surprising ways that allow kids to care for their doll just like a 'real parent.' (Charles Sykes/AP Images for Hasbro)

L’American International Toy Fair di New York, che quest’anno si svolgerà fino al 19 febbraio, è la più grande fiera del mercato di giocattoli e prodotti per giovani nell’emisfero occidentale. Questo evento riunisce produttori, distributori, agenti di vendita e gli importatori da tutto il mondo per mostrare gli ultimi giocattoli e prodotti per l’intrattenimento.

Il parco giochi Toy Fair include: action figures e le bambole, giochi e puzzle, costruzioni, arti e attività creative, biciclette, tricicli e ride-on, veicoli e giocattoli radio-controllati per bambini in età prescolare, auto, camion e treni, pupazzi e peluche, cassette, audio e video, software per computer e videogiochi, parco giochi e attrezzature sportive, prodotti a tema per Halloween o Natale, libri, cancelleria e molto altro ancora. (foto Ap)

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