Cosa sta accadendo in Iraq?

epa07949550 Iraqi riot police forces stand guard as Iraqi protesters take part in a demostration in Karbala, Iraq, 25 October 2019. Thousands of protesters in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities staged new protests against the Iraqi government corruption and poor government services. At least 20 protesters were killed and dozens others were wounded during clashes with riot police forces in Baghdad and Nasriyah city southern Iraq.  EPA/FURQAN AL-AARAJI
epa07950739 Iraqi protesters chant slogans during protests at Tahrir square in central Baghdad, Iraq, 26 October 2019. According to media reports, at least 40 people died during violence between security forces and people protesting against the government in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities.  EPA/AHMED JALIL
epa07950893 Iraqi protesters chant slogans and carry placards reading in Arabic 'The people want to bring down the election law' during protests at Tahrir square in central Baghdad, Iraq, 26 October 2019. According to media reports, at least 40 people died during violence between security forces and people protesting against the government in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities.  EPA/AHMED JALIL
epa07951911 Iraqi protesters stand next to a banner reading in Arabic 'people want to bring down the regime' during a protest at Tahrir squaer in central Baghdad, Iraq, 26 October 2019. According to media reports, at least 40 people died during violent clashes between security forces and people protesting against the government in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities.  EPA/MURTAJA LATEEF
epa07954348 Iraqi protesters help a man who was injured during clashes with Iraqi riot forces following a demonstration at al-Tahrir square, central Baghdad, Iraq, 27 October 2019. According to media reports, at least 63 people died during three days of violent clashes between security forces and people protesting against the government in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities.  EPA/MURTAJA LATEEF
epa07954346 An Iraqi protester wearing mask helps a man after being affected by tear gas, which was dispensed by riot police during clashes with  protesters at al-Tahrir square, central Baghdad, Iraq, 27 October 2019. According to media reports, at least 63 people died during three days of violent clashes between security forces and people protesting against the government in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities.  EPA/MURTAJA LATEEF
epa07954342 An Iraqi protester carries tear gas canisters which were dispensed by riot police during clashes with protesters at al-Tahrir square, central Baghdad, Iraq, 27 October 2019. According to media reports, at least 63 people died during three days of violent clashes between security forces and people protesting against the government in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities.  EPA/MURTAJA LATEEF
epa07956966 Iraqi protesters throw tear gas canisters back toward riot police forces during a protest at al-Tahrir square, central Baghdad, Iraq, 28 October 2019. According to media reports, at least 63 people died during three days of violent clashes between security forces and people protesting against the government in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities.  EPA/MURTAJA LATEEF
epa07957006 Iraqi protesters gather during a protest at al-Tahrir square, central Baghdad, Iraq, 28 October 2019. According to media reports, at least 63 people died during three days of violent clashes between security forces and people protesting against the government in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities.  EPA/MURTAJA LATEEF
epa07957008 Iraqi protesters gather during a protest at al-Tahrir square, central Baghdad, Iraq, 28 October 2019. According to media reports, at least 63 people died during three days of violent clashes between security forces and people protesting against the government in Baghdad and southern Iraqi cities.  EPA/MURTAJA LATEEF
epa07957545 Iraqi protesters burn tires during a protest in Karbala, southern Iraq, 28 October 2019 (issued on 29 October 2019). Medical sources state that at least 13 protesters were killed and dozens others were wounded when Iraqi security forces attacked the site of protests in Karbala city southern Iraq on 28 October.  EPA/FURQAN AL-AARAJI

Come riporta l’agenzia Ansa, «da giorni sono in corso proteste popolari in tutto il centro e il sud dell’Iraq, abitato in prevalenza da sciiti, contro il carovita, la corruzione e la mancanza di servizi pubblici».

Secodo fonti vicine alla Ong Un ponte per…  «Prosegue la rivolta in Iraq. Le scuole e le università sono tutte in mobilitazione, il sindacato degli insegnanti ha proclamato lo sciopero a tempo indeterminato.
La repressione continua, sono salite a 74 le vittime e 3.600 i feriti.
Milizie armate filoiraniane hanno annunciato di essere pronte ad intervenire a fianco delle forze di sicurezza e sparato sulla folla a Maisan, milizie sadriste hanno difeso i manifestanti.
I deputati sadristi e comunisti si sono dimessi.
Arresti arbitrari si susseguono nelle case degli attivisti anche in Anbar»

Anche l’associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XIII si trova sul posto. Ecco la testimonianza che arriva dalla capitale Baghdad: «In questi giorni nessuno esce per strada.
Qui nonostante gli attacchi terroristici, nonostante il clima di guerra degli anni scorsi, c’era sempre stata una serenità. Quasi come se le persone fossero rassegnate a vivere questa condizione di vita. Ma in questi giorni, forse a causa dell’eccessiva reazione del governo alle proteste, sono aumentate le violenze.
Gli iracheni stanno protestando perché vorrebbero una normalità con un lavoro, dei servizi e senza corruzione.
In alcuni quartieri periferici di Baghdad la corrente elettrica arriva solo un’ora al giorno, e poi bisogna affidarsi ai generatori privati. Per avere cinque amper che permettono di usare solo qualche ventilatore bisogna spendere sui 200 euro al mese, e qui chi ha un lavoro dignitoso ha uno stipendio di 300 euro per non parlare di chi al mercato lavora per 3 euro al giorno.
Noi della Comunità Papa Giovanni stiamo lavorando per costruire una casa per i disabili.
Una opportunità, un piccolo segno di speranza».


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